Essay on Online Schooling- Can it be the Future of Education?

Online Schooling

Everything is going digital and so the education system. We are developing in every sphere of life. Due to the emergence of new technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), VR (Virtual Reality), Cloud computing, etc. we need to keep ourselves updated and upgraded. Another term in the field of education is Online Schooling(Online Education). Although it has many advantages and disadvantages over the previous schooling technique.

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10 Lines Essay on Online Schooling/Online Education

1) It refers to the virtual schooling technique.

2) Students need not to go schools; they can study online through virtual classrooms.

3) Different apps like Zoom, Skype, Google meet, etc. are used during digital schooling.

4) Students need devices like mobile phones or laptops.

5) Good Internet connection is required for online study.

6) It saves time and money.

7) However, this type of schooling is considered less effective than offline schooling.

8) Students may feel a lack of physical interaction between other students and teachers.

9) Online schooling became important during Covid pandemic.

10) It’s a new experience for both students and teachers.

Short and Long Essay on Online Schooling/Online Education in English

Here, I’m providing an essay on Online Schooling justifying its importance and future aspects in very easy language. It will give you complete knowledge about this topic and will help you to understand this topic quickly.

1500 Words Long Essay – Online Schooling – Can it be the Future of Education?

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E-learning is not a new concept in the world. But it gained its importance a few years back. However, the concept of distance learning existed much before. Many schools and colleges are offering online courses to the students. According to the reports, about 83% of institutes offer online courses to the students. However, today 96% of traditional universities also started providing online courses.

What is Online Schooling?

Online Schooling refers to the process of learning via internet. It offers virtual courses to the students.

In other words, making use of newer technologies to carry out the process of learning is termed as Online Schooling. It offers students virtual classrooms instead of physical classrooms. Online schooling is a new and innovative experience for the students as well as for the teachers.

History of Online Schooling

The instance of online education was discovered early in the 90s. It was 1960, when the internet did not exist and the students of Illinois University, USA started studying from an interconnected computer network.

In 1984 at the University of Toronto, the first online course was started. In 1989, the University of Phoenix was the first institute to offer a fully online bachelor and master’s degree to the students.

In 1990, the Open University in Britain was the first institute to offer distance learning. The Indira Gandhi National Open University – IGNOU is the largest university in the world in which most of the students can receive online education. 

Online schooling gains its roots from online education. However, the idea of it came into play during the Covid pandemic.

Requirements of Online Schooling

We know that online schooling is all about using the internet. Therefore, the basic requirements of online schooling will be:

  • Good internet connectivity: The core of online schooling is the Internet. A good and high-speed internet connection is the prerequisite for online schooling.
  • Device: Proper working device like laptops, tablets, desktops or mobile phones is required in which you can access the internet.
  • Software and hardware: Useful software (updated operating system, web browser) and hardware (microphone, speaker) may be required to carry out the process of online studies.

Online Schooling: A Blessing or a Bane

Pros of Online Schooling / Scope of Online Schooling

Online schooling offers a wide range of benefits to the students as well as to the teachers. Some of the advantages of Online Schooling are listed below:

  • Flexibility: The main advantage of online schooling is that it offers flexibility to the students. There is no time barrier; students can access education anytime from anywhere.  
  • Saves time: Online schooling saves lots of time. Students need not to go schools to gain education.
  • Saves money: Through online schooling, the transportation charge is reduced. Therefore, we can say that online schooling saves money.
  • Accessibility: Online schooling is an effective way to deliver education to those students who cannot attend physical classes.
  • Efficiency: Online schooling offers various videos and audios that are helpful for students in better understanding. 

Cons of Online Schooling / Impact of Online Schooling(Online Education)

Everything has its two sides, and so is online schooling. As it has many benefits, it does have some drawbacks. Some major disadvantages of online schooling are as follows:

  • Effective: Online schooling is not considered much effective when compared to those offline school educations.
  • Network: People with bad network areas cannot take the advantage of online schooling. As the internet is an essential part of online education.
  • Isolation: Students may feel isolated, as eye contact between students and teachers is reduced in online interaction.
  • Effect health: Watching screen for a long time may affect the health of students. Students may suffer problems like headache or eye problems.
  • Knowledge: Both students and teachers must have the knowledge of using technologies.
  • Practical: Some subjects like chemistry, biology involve practical and experiments. Online schooling only provides theoretical knowledge to the students.

Online Schooling VS Offline Schooling

Online schooling is much different from the traditional schooling system. Some major points which differentiate both techniques of education are discussed below:

  • The traditional schooling system requires students to attend classes by going physically to the schools. But in online schooling, students can attend their class virtually without going to school. It saves effort, time, money and energy for both students and teachers.
  • The traditional schooling system also teaches students other curricular activities. They even help students to develop skills like disciplines, good behavior, personality development, etc. However, no other skills could be generated through online schooling.

Online Schooling Apps/ Platforms

Some famous online schooling platforms are as follows:

  • Zoom: Zoom is an open and secure online platform which was launched in 2018. The zoom platform allows users to connect and communicate via voice and video conferencing. It also provides the facility of chatting and sharing data.
  • Skype: Another platform which is popularly used during online schooling is Skype. Skype is a software that allows users to carry out their business process through video or voice calls. The communication through Skype can be one-to-one or one-to-many. Skype also allows transferring of messages and other files over the network.
  • GoToMeeting: It is a real time platform which is used for business processes. It is a software which is mainly used to connect to other clients or customers through video conferencing.
  • Google Meet: It was developed in 2017. Google Meet is a product of Google that provides users with high quality video chats. It is a secure platform which is mostly used in business meetings.

Online Schooling(Online Education) during Lockdown

Due to the breakdown of Covid-19 Pandemic, the nation suffered a drastic loss in the economic growth of the country. People are not allowed to gather together. According to the experts, mass gathering led to more spread of Corona Virus. In order to protect the public, the government of India had announced a complete lockdown in the country. The schools and colleges were shut down for a long period of time.

During lockdown, the study of students was affected. They were not allowed to go to schools and colleges. At this time, Online Schooling appeared as a blessing in the field of education. It offered students to carry out their studies without going to schools. They can now learn from home as well. However, the institutes are also conducting online exams. Therefore, without wasting time students can continue their studies during pandemic. Various applications like Skype, Zoom, etc are used by them for online studying.

Online Schooling in India

In India, many universities and institutes are offering online courses. The first known and complete online school in India is “K8 School”. It is a virtual school. This means, it is not a school that offers online courses, it is a virtual school with a complete online curriculum. Students need to login to their page from anywhere and start studying. It also includes subjects like physical education, moral science, etc. to generate student’s interest.

Some other online schools in India include AOL School. AOL school is considered as the best CBSE online school. It holds about 25 students in one batch and offers a good online learning experience to the students.

Cyboard is another complete online school in India. However, initially they were offering courses to kids from class 1 to 3. It also includes AI (Artificial Intelligence) and other new subjects for the students.

Online Schooling- The Future of Education

Schooling doesn’t mean sitting in a classroom physically. It does require presence of mind. Therefore, schooling can be possible from anywhere at any time. We had seen the drastic change in the field of education during the pandemic. We can say that online schooling will play a major role in shaping the education system.

By seeing the advantages offered by Online Schooling, we can say that Online Schooling can be the future of the Education system. However, replacing the traditional schooling system completely with online schooling may face some difficulties. Therefore, integration of both types of schooling would be a good idea in terms of education. 


According to the survey conducted by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) online study is not much preferred by the students. One out of three students find online study difficult. Subjects like math and physics involve numeric problems that are not easily understood during online classes. Another major reason is the lack of resources. About 27% of students don’t have proper resources like laptops and tablets with the internet. However, the majority of students loved online studies.

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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Online Schooling/Online Education

Q.1 Which platform provides online courses?

Ans. Some platforms that provide online courses are Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, edX, etc.

Q.2 What are some best online learning apps?

Ans. Byju’s, Vedantu, Coursera, Unacademy, etc. are some of the best online learning apps.

Q.3 Which app is best for online teaching?

Ans. Nearpod, Teachmint, Animoto, Attendance, etc. are some apps available for online teaching.

Q.4 Does CBSE allow homeschooling?

Ans. No, CBSE along with ICSE boards doesn’t allow homeschooling.

Q5 Which is the first open university in India?

Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad was the first Open University in India. It was established on 26 August 1982.