Essay on Life in an Indian Village

60% of Indians live in a village and it will be not wrong if I call a village as a real India, because villages carry the real tradition and culture of India. Villages are best in many ways and village life is far better than a sophisticated city life but people live in cities just to fulfill some of their basic needs; otherwise, their heart still remains in villages.

Short and Long Essays on Life in an Indian Village in English

Find here some essays on it to get a broad perspective:

Life in an Indian Village Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) In Indian villages, people are mostly employed in agriculture.

2) An Indian village preserves ancient culture and tradition.

3) Life in an Indian village is more peaceful than in cities.

4) Indian village lacks many basic facilities that make village life tough.

5) The pollution level in villages is comparatively low than in cities.

6) Due to less pollution and hard work, village life is free from various diseases.

7) In villages people are always ready to help each other.

8) The greenery in villages provides fresh and pure air.

9) A village life is free from greed, stress, and competition.

10) Life in an Indian village is full of simplicity and happiness.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Life in an Indian Village


Villages are the integral parts of India because more than 60% of the Indian population lives in a village. India has a rich agricultural heritage and we are capable of producing food for the entire nation. We don’t have to import basic food items like rice, wheat, maize, etc. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. For producing such a great amount of food our farmers work continuously in all seasons. They grow different crops every year and a group of people lives in villages. They have a different lifestyle and culture.

Agriculture: the Backbone

All of us belong to a certain village but due to development and in search of a job our ancestors left villages early. As a result, we are a part of city life today. Still, there are many who live in villages and rely on farming. Our farmers work hard in the fields and get food for us and we should be thankful to them for providing us food. It needs a lot of labor and care to produce food. They have to face the chilling winters and the hot summer days to take care of the crop.

Thanks to our farmers that we have enough food and we also export wheat and rice to different countries. In the year 2019, we have exported US$ 38.49 billion of agricultural products to different countries. Really it is the backbone of our economy.

Cultural Richness

Apart from our food requirement villages also hold some cultural importance. We have left many of our traditions and some cultural activities which are still alive in villages. They celebrate festivals in the same way as they use to in old days and we can also see unity in villages. When people gather on an occasion it becomes special. They offer prayers, eat good food, and celebrate any occasion together and this shows unity.


Life in an Indian village is quite simple and tough at the same time. They are totally different from cities and there are many pros and cons of village life. Overall, I can say that the villages are more peaceful and cleaner as compared to cities.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – My Vision of The New Indian Villages


India is a beautiful country with a beautiful history and villages in the entire nation. It is the northern part of India or the southern, villages are everywhere and they have a different taste of living. These lands produce 80% of agricultural products; that is only possible just because of our farmers, they work hard and live in these villages. They not only produce food for us but also contribute to building our economy. Every year they make many profitable deals and many products are exported to different countries. I have mentioned some beautiful aspects of the village life below and have brought a true vision of the modern Indian villages.

Social Life

There is peace everywhere because they are not rushed like cities. Life is simple and away from any kind of articulation. People in cities always dress well, live in sophisticated societies. Whereas people in villages live a very simple life and they are more social than us, and they are away from any kind of show off. They live a healthy and real life.


Their main source of income is agriculture in villages and they are of two types. One which is partially attached to cities and the second one is those which are totally away from cities. Those which are attached to cities play an important role in fulfilling daily needs like providing vegetables, poultry farms, etc. They play a very important role in developing our economy. The second one is those which are away from cities. These villages provide some seasonal crops like wheat, rice, corn, etc. In the lockdown, it was agriculture that saved the sinking economy.


Development is something villages are still lacking behind, there are no good roads, schools, hospitals, etc. These are some of the major drawbacks of a village. Although cities have developed a lot, villages are still the same for many decades. There are only some slight changes and this is the reason why people move towards cities. If they will get some basic facilities people can happily live in villages too.


People do not care much about education in villages because they believe in following the agricultural legacy. But this is not true, actually, there are no good educational institutions in villages. They don’t even have enough money and proper facilities. The government should also focus on developing these villages and should provide basic facilities. There are government schools in villages but due to lack of maintenance and absence of teachers, they are useless.


Village life is better in many ways and the pure air and pollution-free environment attract people to have a house in the village. There are peace and a special kind of stability, which cannot be expressed in words. I love villages and the environment; it is green everywhere and I don’t have to walk in a park for fresh air.

Essay on Life in an Indian Village

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Some Positive and Negative Aspects of Living in a Village


A suburban area where people live in and there is agricultural land all around is termed as a village. Villages have a special image in our minds and it automatically reminds us of the green fields and big mango trees. Really, the villages are amazing. I remember when I use to visit my village every year during my summer vacation, slowly things changed and people moved toward cities. I remember we never use to buy vegetables because we use to grow them on our own land. Similarly, there are many things that make a village different from the cities. I have mentioned both the positive and negative aspects of a village life below.

Some Positive Aspects of Village Life

  • Less Pollution

It is true that there is no air pollution in villages, the environment is 90% cleaner than cities and you don’t have to search for greenery for fresh air. Cities are rushed with traffic, people, and all kind of pollution. More people more noise, more pollution, whereas in villages there are fewer people so the environment is far better.

  • Peaceful life

People are not in a hurry to catch a metro or have to attend a certain appointment in villages. Life looks easy and tension free. They also eat, sleep, earn, wear good clothes but live a peaceful life. In villages, people have their own animals for milk, their own land for food, and life looks more peaceful over there.

  • Away from Show-off

People believe in simplicity in villages, they do not have a separate wardrobe for formals and casuals. They present themselves as they really are and they don’t hide things and believe in sharing. Whereas, people in cities feel ashamed to address a poor person as their friend. People in villages are simple and away from any kind of articulation.

  • People with Helping Nature

If there is a marriage in a house all the village people gather and help as if it is their own function. Whereas we hire people in cities to help us. Really villages are good in these terms. They are loyal, helpful, and trustworthy in nature.

Some Negative Aspects of Village Life

  • Development

One of the biggest drawbacks of villages that makes life difficult in rural areas. There are very few educational institutions, hospitals, etc. There is no mode of entrainment and all these things provoke people to migrate towards cities. Big companies should take this as an opportunity and should also plan to have their branches in rural areas. This will develop our villages in many ways. I can say that development is one of the biggest drawbacks of our villages.

  • Lack of Proper Educational Institutions

There are schools but no big education institutions as a result people have to send their children to big cities. Proper education is very necessary these days. Although the environment is more peaceful for students, still they have to go to cities.

  • Fewer Carrier Opportunities

The carrier opportunities are next to zero because there are no jobs. Apart from jobs if someone plans to start a business there are many hindrances in between like road, availability of goods, etc. People have to rely on cities for many things; as a result, they feel better to move on to a better place.

  • Lack of Good Medical Facilities

A medicinal emergency is something unknown, you never know when there is an urgent need for a hospital or a doctor. People always visit nearby cities for availing of medicinal benefits. The government should really focus on this sector because the population is growing day by day; one should really get proper medicine in nearby. Otherwise, the nation will never be called a developed nation.

  • Improper Transportation

Still, there are many villages with no roads; lack of roads hinders development in many ways. So, the road is very important and it is not so easy to travel in villages from one place to another, because you can’t get a bus or other mean of transportation whenever you need. Either you have to travel by your own mean or have to wait for a long time.


Villages are good and we should try our best to save them. We should focus on developing villages so that fewer people will migrate towards cities. The population is growing day by day in cities and more than half of the population is from the village. They move toward cities for education, job, and to fulfill other basic needs. Cites are overly populated, the government should think about it. Development in villages is one of the best ways of controlling the population in cities.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Why India is called the land of villages?

Ans. India is called the land of villages because more than 60% of its population live in the villages.

Q.2 Which state in India has the largest number of villages?

Ans. Bihar state having 1129 villages is the state with the largest number of villages in India.

Q.3 Why is village life beautiful?

Ans. The life in villages is beautiful because of greenery, low pollution, peaceful environment and helping people.

Q.4 What is Gram Panchayat?

Ans. Gram Panchayat is the governing body in the villages of India.

Q.5 Which village is India’s first fully solar-powered village?

Ans. Dharnai village of Bihar is India’s first fully solar-powered village.

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