Speech on World Environment Day 2022

World environment day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. Being an UN-sponsored event, it is celebrated throughout the globe with the help of volunteers and governments.

Short and Long Speech on World Environment Day

I have given below three varied word length speeches on world environment day for my readers. You can read and get benefited from these:

World Environment Day Speech 1

Good morning Principal Sir, teachers, and all my dear friends. I am here to give a speech on ‘world environment day’ and I am thankful to you all for giving me this opportunity.

Friends, world environment day is observed on 5th June to raise awareness about the environment and the damage that human activities do to it.

In simple words, it is a day to make people more accountable for the environmental damages they do. It seeks to generate a sense of responsibility towards the environment – in the people and the governments as well.

It is only when the people and the governments collectively effort to preserve the environment, that things will begin to change. World environment day addresses the issues faced by every environmental factor – water, ocean, rivers, animals, plants, rain, global warming, climate change, glacier melts and coral reefs, etc.

It is my humble request to you all, that you must participate in the events, in your own capacity, wherever you are. Even if you forward a simple message for environment protection from your smartphone; I think that would be able to change at least a couple of minds.

With this, I end my speech. Thank You!

World Environment Day Speech 2

Good morning everybody! My very special greetings to the Principal Sir/Madam and teachers. As you all know that we have gathered here to discuss a very significant global observation. The day is observed under the guidance of the United Nations and is becoming popular with each passing year.

Any guesses from my educated and smart audience? All right! Friends, today we are going to talk about the world environment day. First celebrated in 1974, the day is observed annually throughout the globe on 5th June.

There is a tradition of celebrating the day with an UN-sponsored theme. Also, every year a particular host country is also chosen by the United Nations. Every year the theme focuses on a specific topic of environmental concern. Sometimes it is an ocean; or sometimes it is soil, species, aquatic life, oceans, pollution, etc.

The main idea is to let humans realize what impact on the environment is being made by their activities. It seeks to make people more aware and protective towards the environment.

We all are linked with the environment. We breathe only because other elements in the environment are supporting our metabolic process. Any damage to the environment will be reflected in our own health. Let’s not forget that!

If the environment is damaged beyond a limit then it would be like – humankind dug a grave for itself. If we would have nowhere to go and there would be no point in resentment.

Events like the world environment day are extremely important considering the importance of the environment for life on earth. Large participation in such events is required and people as well as governments must come forward to aid the programs, whether financially or logistically.

With this I would like to end my speech on world environment day; hoping that you all were able to understand my views and will adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards environmental damage.

World Environment Day Speech 3

Good Morning Principal Sir, respected teachers, and all my dear friends. Today on 5th June we are celebrating the world environment day and I am given the opportunity to give a speech on the topic. I am glad to been given the opportunity and for that, I personally thank Principal Sir and my class teacher Mr./Mrs.——–.

Friends, the environment is a very vast topic and you all know a good deal about it already. We know what constitutes the environment; what are its threats and what are its significances, etc. Therefore I have decided to cover the world environment day history, events, and importance in my speech.

The thought of world environment day took shape during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden from June 5 to 16 in 1972. The purpose of the conference was to focus on human intervention and its impacts on the environment.

As an outcome of the conference, it was decided that a World Environment Day would be celebrated to raise awareness about the impacts of human activities on the environment.

The first World Environment Day was celebrated in 1974, since then it is routinely held every year as an UN-sponsored flagship campaign for the protection and promotion of the environment.

World environment day includes all the spheres of the environment – marine population, oceans, forests, animals, reptiles, water bodies, etc. It is concerned with every element of the environment that is affected by human activities.

The day also addresses causes like overpopulation, global warming, etc, which has an impact on the environment and the life it sustains.

It seeks to provide a global platform to the environmental cause and elevate the protection of the environment by bringing governments and people together. For this, the UN assigns a specific theme for the events every year.

Just to let you know, I would like to tell a few of the world environment day themes of previous years. The theme for 2020 was ‘time for nature’; similarly in 2019 the theme was ‘beat air pollution’. Likewise every year a specific theme is given and the events are organized centered around the theme.

Another interesting fact is that every year a country is selected to host the events on the theme. You would be proud to know that India had twice hosted the world environment day, first in 2011 and then again in 2018. In 2011 the theme was ‘Forests – Nature at your service’ and in 2018 the theme was ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’.

It is worth mentioning here that the 2018 world environment day was specifically significant for India. It is so because in the same year the government of India pledged to eliminate completely the use of single-use plastic by the year 2020. It was indeed a very welcome decision, considering the damage plastic does to the environment.

I am happy to mention that the world environment day has been successful in uniting people and making them aware of several environmental causes. People are becoming more sensitive to the damages they do to the environment and are taking initiatives to reduce them.

We can only ensure good health and long life to our future generations if we protect and preserve our environment. By environment, I mean every part of the sphere that we call our home. Soil, Water, stones, mountains, animals, fishes, and all are part of our environment and equally significant in their own way.

I think I have said enough. I seriously hope that I was able to improve your knowledge as well as make you a little more concerned about the environment and the damages we do to it, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Thank You!

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on World Environment Day

Q.1 Is World Environment Day and Earth Day similar?

Ans. No, both events are different. World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June whereas Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April every year all around the globe.

Q.2 What is World Environment Day Anthem?

Ans. In 2013, on the occasion of World Environment Day, Kapil Sibal and Shashi Tharoor launched the World Environment Day Anthem “united we unfurl the blue marble flag”.

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